Getting To Know You

Thank you for your interest in Kingsdale Scottish Terriers. Please complete this form and then click on the send button. If you do not see a confirmation message, the form was not sent. (There might be an unanswered question!) It's a good idea to take screen shots of the entire form with your answers,or copy and paste them in another document, in case something goes wrong in transmitting this form. We are looking forward to getting to know you!!

Fields marked with * are required

Your Full Name:
Your Email
Your Street Address
Please enter the necessary information
Names, ages and occupations of all persons who reside at this address
If you have other visitors frequently, please list the age of the youngest visitor(s).
Names, species, breed, gender, neuter status, and age of all pets living at this location, inside or out
Do you own or rent your home?
Is your home a single family home, multi family, apartment, condo, townhouse?
Do you have a fenced yard area?
Do you live on a quiet or busy street?
Do you have a pool or other body of water on your property? If so, what type and is it fully fenced from the dogs' access?
Do you or a yard service apply any chemicals to your lawns, shrubs or property? If so, please describe.
Has your home been tested for radon gas, and if so, has an abatement system installed in your home?
Does anyone living in your home smoke cigarettes, pipes, or chew tobacco?
Who, aside from the people named in this questionnaire, will be regularly involved with your dog's care?
Do you have a vacation home where the dog would spend time?
Please describe any classes you have taken in rewards based dog training, if any. If none, how do you plan to learn about it?
How often do you travel, in a normal year, and how long are the trips? What would you do with your dog during your travel?
Please tell us about all your dog-owning history. Breeds, ages, duration of ownership, your age at time of ownership, how the relationship ended
Have you ever had a Scottish Terrier? If so, please tell us your history with Scotties
Have you had another type of terrier before? If so, what type and what was the history?
If you have never had a Scottie before, please list ALL activities you have undertaken to learn about the breed.
What do you know about Scotties that makes you think they are the right kind of dog for your family?
How much time do you spend grooming your present dog(s) every week?
Have you read any books or watched videos about grooming Scotties?
What grooming activities will you personally undertake with your Scottie, and how often will you do it?
Are you interested or possibly interested in dog showing for conformation? Agility competition? Barn Hunt? Fast CAT (100 yard dash) racing?*
What fun will your dog have with you?
Do you have a preference for color of the dog? If so, what is it? Black, Wheaten, or Brindle?
Which other color would you accept in a Scottie?
Are you only interested having a boy? Or a girl?

Two and a half weeks old Scottie Puppies